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SLU's Economic Impact

Saint Louis University is proud to be helping create a stronger St. Louis. The University’s daily operations provide ongoing financial benefits to the region, while also preparing the workforce of the future.

A meeting area at SLU Law with the STL arch visible through windows



jobs in the STL region are tied to SLU.*


spent in the regional economy by SLU students.*


in impact to the region over the next 40 years is made by a single graduating class.*


generated by SLU each year in total economic benefit to the STL region.*


Saint Louis University is one of the region’s largest employers. More than 2,000 faculty members carry out the University’s Jesuit mission by inspiring students, researching in their fields and reaching out to the community while thousands of staff members spearhead and lead programs, actively support the work of our faculty and students and keep the University running smoothly.

SLU’s combined payroll and benefits obligation to staff in the St. Louis metropolitan region is more than $150 million.


The quality of SLU’s faculty researchers and strength of its programs attracts out-of-­area dollars to the region. During fiscal year 2019, University researchers received $44 million in external research support from federal agencies, associations, foundations and private sources.

The creation of the Saint Louis University Research Institute, along with the opening of a state-of-the-art Sinquefield Science and Engineering Center, is giving students and faculty the tools they need to continue to make world-changing discoveries.

Learn More About Research at SLU

Volunteerism and Community Impact

Each year, SLU’s students, faculty and staff give more than 1.6 million hours of community service to more than 1,800 organizations, events and individuals in the region.

  • Students from SLU’s School of Law provide approximately $3.9 million in free legal consultation annually to the public each year.
  • Approximately 500 SLU faculty members provide free consulting services at an average commercial value of $125 per hour.

Sports and Events

SLU hosts more than 160 sporting events each year, resulting in 10,000 overnight stays and $250 per person spent on lodging, food, souvenirs and more.

See What's Coming Up Next

* According to a recent economic impact study.